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Our Story

ZipperBuddy is a user-friendly adaptive clothing solution designed to assist individuals with limited mobility or dexterity in fastening zippers on clothing items like jackets and hoodies. Its innovative design aims to enhance independence and dignity while dressing, promoting inclusivity and ease of use for a diverse range of users.

"The clothing needs of people living with disabilities and impairments are not being met"

- Kabel et. al


While pursuing a degree at UMass Lowell,

our founder took a class called Adaptive Devices for a Better Life, and she met Bob. Bob suffered a stroke impacting the left side of his body, and subsequently, his mobility. This made dressing, especially using zippers, a real challenge.

Upon further research, we learned that this was

a very real problem.


 Causes of mobility constraints impact billions

of people worldwide.

We knew we could solve

this problem.

So we did.


Works Cited

1. Kabel, A., Dimka, J., & McBee-Black, K. (2017). "Clothing-related barriers experienced by people with mobility disabilities and impairments." Applied Ergonomics, 58(A), pp. 165-169. Available at:


2. World Health Organization: WHO. (2024, March 14). Over 1 in 3 people affected by neurological conditions, the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide. WHO. Retrieved May 9, 2024, from

3. World Health Organization: WHO. (2022b, October 1). Ageing and health.


4. World Health Organization: WHO. (2022, July 14). Musculoskeletal health.

5. Iezzoni LI, McCarthy EP, Davis RB, Siebens H. Mobility difficulties are not only a problem of old age. J Gen Intern Med. 2001 Apr;16(4):235-43. doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1497.2001.016004235.x. PMID: 11318924; PMCID: PMC1495195.

6. Stroke Facts | (2023, September 6). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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