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Let ZipperBuddy Make It Easy.


We are on a revolutionary journey to provide people with independence in self-dressing with an adaptive clothing device! Utilizing a zipper is a real challenge for people with disabilities, seniors, and those with mobility differences. Join us in transforming zippers, transforming lives, and transforming the adaptive device industry.

An award for Contribution to a healthier lifestyle in the Rist Difference Maker 50k idea challenge of 2024

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ZipperBuddy is a user-friendly adaptive clothing solution designed to assist individuals with different mobility or dexterity levels with fastening zippers on clothing items like jackets and hoodies.


You Already Look Great.
Let ZipperBuddy Make It Easy.


A drawing of a hoodie with a navy blue zipperbuddy attached to it. ZipperBuddy features a waved edge on the right, starting and is centered on the hoodie.

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No more fumbling with zippers or relying on others for help.



Keep your current wardrobe while quickly & effortlessly securing clothing with one hand.



Achieve independence in a zip, with a simple, one-time installation process.

The Inspiration

A picture of an older man named Bob with a cane proudly wearing a ZipperBuddy on his jacket. He is smiling in front of a fence and a tree.
"The ZipperBuddy has made clothing with zippers useable again. It's very easy and practical to use. I love it, it's life changing!"

Bob Clancy


Bob survived a stroke, impacting his mobility on the left side of his body. Subsequently, this created challenges in self-dressing, and more specifically, utilizing zippers. As the inspiration for ZipperBuddy, we designed one right away for Bob!

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